Liverpool John Lennon Airport

Year: 2015
Location: Liverpool, UK
Sector: Aviation
Service delivered: Energy Auditing

Under the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, EU Member States are required to introduce legislation to require all large enterprises to undergo an energy audit at least once every four years. The UK Government's response has been introduction of the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). ClearLead Consulting were engaged by Liverpool John Lennon Airport to carry out an energy audit to meet the scheme's requirements, in what was one of the first ESOS-compliant energy audits undertaken in the UK. 

The audit was carried out by one of our registered ESOS Lead Assessors, and focused on practical steps to reduce energy use in buildings and transport. The report identified various measures to produce cost-effective energy and water savings, and explored the potential of low-carbon energy generation options to enable the airport to make a step-change in its carbon emissions reductions.